sunnuntai 26. helmikuuta 2012

Kevään merkkejä (-K)

Heippa Vankkurista!

Tänne sitä on taas tultu, pitkästä aikaa ja tällä kertaa yksin. Näin aluksi ihan lyhyt teksti, mie päivittelen matkakertomusta Norjasta, kuhan tässä ehdin. Täällä tosiaan on jo kevät pitkällä. Oli ihan kummallista tulla tänne Suomen ja Norjan talven jälkeen, kun tämmöiset maisemat ootti 'kotona'. Ja lämpöäkin on joku 8 astetta ulkona. Eilen tosiaan vietin aamupäivän puutarhassa multaa tonkimalla! Kyllä se sitten on mukavaa hommaa! Terkkuja! -Katja

perjantai 17. helmikuuta 2012

3 - 0 (-m)

3 - 0. That could be a score of a hockey game. For example that's what happened on 4th of January between Vancouver Canucks and Minnesota Wild. But is 3-0 pronounced "three-zero" or is it proper to say "three-nil"? Or do you say "three-oh" in English?

I have the gut feeling that the "nil" is used only in association football games (that is soccer for some people) and you wouldn't use it in any other context. Can it really be that "nil" is totally, exceptionally and only reserved for expressing the results of a football game?!? That the poor word "nil" does not have any other use than to be the results of a sports game in the case where the other team couldn't perform at all? Is the "nil" expression and metaphor for failure?

I like to split hairs if you know what I mean...


torstai 16. helmikuuta 2012

Visited countries (-m)

I found a nice website that allows you to select the countries you have ever visited. My count is 23 so far. Also, if you're limited only in the North America, the site has also maps of the states of U.S.A & provinces of Canada. (link below)

I probably should mention that I have lived over 1 year in the following countries: Finland, Sweden & Canada. Can: 1.5 yrs, Swe: 6 yrs, Fin: the rest.


visited 23 states (10.2%)
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